What are the Main Features of the Employee Management System?

What are the Main Features of the Employee Management System?
By using a records repository integrated with the HR Employee management system, HR can simply handle a huge amount of employee data digitally. In addition to removing human administration, this would guarantee that the data is properly arranged.
With the help of employee management software and a records repository within the HR File management software, HR can simply handle a sizable amount of employee data digitally. This will guarantee that the data is well-organized while also getting rid of manual management. By reducing paperwork, the Digital HRMS makes it easier for your HR department to offer a positive onboarding experience for new recruits. Its Employee Management module is designed to streamline all your onboarding procedures. Users can change several employee profiles at the same time using the bulk information update tool.

The following are the features of the Employee Management System:
- Pre-Onboarding Candidate: The first feature of the Digital HRMS is pre-onboarding, which enables the HR/Admin to control and complete the pre-onboarding processes directly through the platform. This part is for evaluating and the start of the onboarding process for new employees.
- Employee Creation: Thanks to digital HRMS, the whole onboarding process for new hires is paperless. HR or admin can input the employee's joining details on the Employee Creation tab. A popup appears when the employee creates their account on the Digital HRMS platform, asking them to fill in their personal and other information.
- Search Employee: With the use of this tool, users may look for specific employee information or a list of workers based on things like department, expertise, and other criteria. It's a simple method to browse a list of workers, for example, in a specific department or with a specific skill set.
- Employee Bulk Update: Using this tab, the HR/Admin can change the information for a number of employees at once or in batches. The objective is to update information more quickly.
- Bulk Document Import: Using this option, the HR/Admin may bulk import documents from a folder into the Digital HRMS database. Another useful function that assists HR departments in saving time and resources is this one.
- Background Verification: The HR may manage Background Verification directly from the application thanks to Digital HRMS. Every new hire is subjected to a background investigation. An email link is supplied to the employee once HR requests the document. The required documentation for a background check can then be uploaded by the employee using that link. HR initiates the background check process The HR may manage Background Verification directly from the application thanks to digital HRMS. Every new hire is subjected to a background investigation. An email link is supplied to the employee once HR requests the document. The required documentation for a background check can then be uploaded by the employee using that link. HR initiates the background check process utilizing a third-party supplier as soon as the documentation is received and updates the status as required. HR may also post the final report and the status here. a third-party supplier as soon as the documentation is received and updates the status as required. HR may also post the final report and the status here.
- Remote Location: A customer, market, seminar, etc. are just a few examples of places the administrator of the Digital HRMS might define that an employee is anticipated to travel to on business. The employee's attendance may be instantly updated in the system in such a circumstance by following his locations through the use of geofencing technology in the Digital HRMS mobile app.
- Compensation: This function's goal is to update the salary effective date and total pay data. We may upload an excel file to alter the salary information in bulk thanks to this facility. This salary information may be used in reports in addition to the data on staff allocation.
Explore more about how your HR team may utilize the Digital HRMS Employee Management module to enhance employee onboarding. You may reach us by email at marketing@digitalhrms.com or by visiting our website, www.digitalhrms.com.